Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sister Suzy

In 2006, I went to Chicago for a business trip and to visit my sister Suzy.   Lucky for me, Suzy is the master of getting Oprah tickets and was able to get us in to the show.  They taped two shows while we were there which was really cool.  The guests were Ricky Martin (oolala!!) and the CNN Middle East correspondent Christian Amoumpour.  The show was about stopping child sex slave abuse trade which Ricky Martin is an advocate for.  He performed a couple songs and shook his bon bon for us.  We then left Oprah and went downtown and had us some Garrett's carmel corn (my favorite) and then we went and saw "Wicked" where we had balcony, back row seats.  Suzy again, scouted out two vacant seats towards the front and during intermission, we moved down after talking to all the people around the vacant seats and determining that they were empty.  It's always and adventure with Suzy!


Unknown said...

Those were the days!

Bennett Family said...

too fun! Can't wait to hear about AFRICA! You INSPIRE ME...I leave in 6 wks and I'm FREAKING!

Zappe Family said...

How fun!