Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy 16th Birthday Britton!

Sixteen years ago, Britton was born.  He was due August 30th but was born 2 weeks early on August 15th, 1992. He was 5 lbs, 15 oz.  Little did we know how hard the next year would be.  He was a colicky baby and cried 24/7 for the first year.  He had a lot of ear problems and had his first set of tubes put in at six months old.  Can't believe how fast the years have gone and today, he drove out of the driveway alone for the first time in his life.  It was a weird moment for me!  I was happy, scared, sad, all at once!
Here is Britton the night he was born.  We thought he was such a good baby when he first arrived.  We didn't know what lay ahead two weeks down the road.  The family still talks about the Britton baby days!  It was a family effort to keep him happy for the first year of his life.....not that anything we did worked.  It's a wonder we had any more kids after him.  Most would have said that was all they could take!

Britton at our wedding reception.  Since we had the entire family together, we decided to bless him that day so this was also his blessing day.
Britton at four months old.  Guess we should have had him in a soccer outfit as he thinks baseball is boring!  
Britton and Jordan in Hawaii during Craig's dental school and Army days in 1997.  I dressed them the same head to toe for years.  They finally put a stop to it when they got was easier to have two of everything.  Jordan had to do everything the same as Brit.....saved me some major temper tantrums from Jordan.
Britton in Hawaii again in 1998, our second summer in Hawaii courtesy of the Army.  We went on a horseback ride and had a miserable time!  It rained on us the entire way and we were with a bunch of japanese tourists that did not know how to ride horses.  This horse kept trying to buck Brit off.  I was so glad when it was over and I think he was too!
First day of kindergarten in Portland.  He had just turned 6 here!
Current photo with Jordan in Florida at the pool.  Nice glasses!
With cousin Clara 2007.  Clara LOVES Brit.  She calls him her boyfriend.  In fact, at his birthday party, she gave him his first kiss.  Not to be outdone, Uncle Shawn gave him another one.  It was a long and juicy one!
We celebrated Brit's special day in Island Park, Idaho at our family reunion.  We didn't have a cake so we used the costco brownies and cut straws up and put tissue paper on the top end and lit them on fire.  We had strawberry pie and hamburgers too.  Brit got a new banjo and a letterman's jacket since he lettered in soccer last spring as a freshman.   The entire family all took turns saying what they loved about Brit.  It was a fun night.  
Britton has been such a fun kid.  Always keeps us hopping and going, going, going.  He's accomplished a lot this year!  He's been playing on the Eastside FC soccer team for two years now and they are one of the the top 4 teams in the state.  He is playing football for the high school and has a good shot at being the Varsity kicker.  He has mastered the guitar.  He's learned to play the accoustical, classical, bass, electric and now is tackling the banjo.  Wow!  He also loves doing things with his hands, fishing and dirt biking!  We are so proud of him and all he's accomplished.  Happy Birthday Brit!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Flashback Friday

Here is Britton and me in Moab, Utah three years ago. We took a family vacation to Farmington NM to visit Craig's Dad.  We stopped along the way and went to Arches National Park.  The kids had a great time.  This is one of my favorite photos of me and Brit!